4th Sunday of OT Year A:
Today, Jesus sits
down to teach us. Jesus is the new
Moses. He is on the mountain. The gospel says that his disciples came to
him. So, last week we reflected on being
called to be his disciples and how we can help others hear the voice of
Jesus. But, today we get to hear that
voice directly. And what’s the first
word out of his mouth: blessed.
We normally call
this passage the beatitudes, because of the Latin word beatus, which is the
word used in this passage. This is a
very popular passage. It is used often
at funerals and weddings. I’m not sure
if we have all of these memorized, but just about anyone could probably give us
a few of the beatitudes. But, what part
of the message sticks out for you?
Normally, I hear these passages as a list of attributes or actions that
I’m supposed to do, kind of like the 10 Commandments. However, I tried to focus instead on the
results. Jesus says we will be blessed.
This is an
interesting word. Blessed means happy,
fortunate, lucky, chosen. When was the
last time you really felt luck or fortunate?
When I was a kid I used to collect baseball cards. One day I went to the baseball card shop in
Southtown mall (remember when there was actually a southtown mall?). I bought a couple packs of cards. While opening one pack I discovered this
super rare Frank Thomas card that was worth like 50$. I couldn’t believe it. I was so lucky. I can still remember to this day the feeling
of getting so lucky, so fortunate.
When was the last
time you felt so fortunate? Maybe a
check in the mail. Maybe a promotion at
work. Maybe a good grade on a test. How about the time you realized the gift that
God wants to give you? Today I think we
should all stop to appreciate just how fortunate we are to have Jesus in our
Listen again to
this impressive list:
Theirs is the kingdom of heaven
They will be comforted
They will inherit the land
They will be satisfied
They will be shown mercy
They will see God
They will be called children of God
Your reward will be great in heaven.
Now, when I was a
kid I was pretty excited about that dumb baseball card (I just looked it up, it’s
worth like $5 now…). And yet, by being
disciples of Jesus he promises: mercy, land, heaven, comfort. What an impressive list.
Now, make no
mistake, being a follower of Jesus is no simple task: poor in spirit, humble,
seeking righteousness, merciful, clean of heart, even persecutions. But, when you hold these up to the rewards,
how blessed are we indeed. We are lucky,
fortunate, chosen, blessed.
I think that
reflecting on this list can really be helpful.
By remembering that all of this is really “Good News.” We can renew our sense of joy for the
gospel. And believe me, we all need that
joy. Life can be tough. We can face sickness, financial difficulties,
the loss of a loved one, tensions, stress and anxiety. And yet, a Christian who is mindful of the
great promises of Christ, will always be filled with joy, even in tough times.
See if you can
spend some time this week with this gospel.
Listen again to the words of Jesus.
I know we have all heard this passage a million times. But, let it hit you all over brand new. These are the first words of Jesus’ sermon on
the mount. This is the very first
message he wants to give to each one of us.
We are blessed, we are fortunate, we are lucky. We have found the Christ. No matter what we face in life, this good
news will fill us with joy.
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