I found this chart online, it quite helpfully shows the order of events in the synoptic gospels.
Taken from http://www.abu.nb.ca/courses/NTIntro/OrderTriple.htm website of Professor Barry D. Smith, Crandall University.
Appendix A
The Order of the Triple
Tradition in the Synoptic Gospels
* = Non-Markan material in Luke or Matthew similar to material found in Mark
------------ = Material in Matthew and Luke interposed between Markan material
(It should be noted that in many cases, especially in Matthew, other related pericopes are co-joined to the triple tradition; this will be discussed later).
Matthew | Mark | Luke |
1. 3:1-12 | 1. 1:2-8 | 1. 3:1-12 |
2. 3:13-17 | 2. 1:9-11 | 2. 3:21-22 |
3. 4:1-11 | 3. 1:12-13 | 3. 4:1-13 |
4. 4:12-17 | 4. 1:14-15 | *4. 4:14-15 |
| *32. 4:16-30 |
5. 4:18-22 | 5. 1:16-20 |
*23. 5:15 |
*25. 7:2 |
9. 8:1-4 |
| 6. 1:21-28 | 6. 4:31-37 |
7. 8:14-17 | 7. 1:29-34 | 7. 4:38-41 |
29. 8:23-27 |
| 8. 1:35-39 | 8. 4:42-44 |
30. 8:28-34 |
| *5. 5:1-11 |
| 9. 1:40-45 | 9. 5:12-16 |
10. 9:1-8 | 10. 2:1-12 | 10. 5:17-26 |
11. 9:9-13 | 11. 2:13-17 | 11. 5:27-32 |
12. 9:14-17 | 12. 2:18-22 | 12. 5:33-39 |
31. 9:18-26 |
| 13. 2:23-28 | 13. 6:1-5 |
| 14. 3:1-6 | 14. 6:6-11 |
| 15. 3:7-12 |
16. 10:1-4 | 16. 3:13-19 | 16. 6:12-16 |
33. 10:5-15 (9:35a) |
13. 12:1-8 |
14. 12:9-14 |
17. 12:22-30 | 17. 3:20-27 |
18. 12:21-32 | 18. 3:28-30 |
19. 12:46-50 | 19. 3:31-3 |
20. 13:1-9 | 20. 4:1-9 | 20. 8:4-8 |
21. 13:10-17 [25. 13:12] | 21. 4:10-12 | 21. 8:9-10 |
22. 13:18-23 | 22. 4:13-20 | 22. 8:11-15 |
| 23. 4:21 | 23. 8:16 |
| 24. 4:22-23 | 24. 8:17 |
| 25. 4:24-25 | 25. 8:18 |
| 26. 4:26-29 |
27. 13:31-32 | 27. 4:30-32 |
28. 13:34-35a | 28. 4:33-34 |
| 29. 4:35-41 | 29. 8:22-25 |
| 30. 5:1-20 | 30. 8:26-29 |
| 31. 5:21-43 | 31. 8:40-56 |
32. 13:53b-58 | 32. 6:1-6a |
33. 9:35a (= Mark 6:6b) | 33. 6:6b-13 | 33. 9:1-6 |
| 34. 6:14-16 | 34. 9:7-9 |
35. 14:1-12 | 35. 6:17-29 |
36. 14:13-21 | 36. 6:30-44 | 36. 9:10-17 |
37. 14:22-23 | 37. 6:45-52 |
38. 14:34-36 | 38. 6:53-56 |
39. 15:1-20 | 39. 7:1-23 |
40. 15:21-28 | 40. 7:24-30 |
| 41. 7:31-37 |
42. 15:32-39 | 42. 8:1-10 |
43. 16:1-4 | 43. 8:11-13 |
44. 16:5-12 | 44. 8:14-21 |
| 45. 8:22-26 |
46. 16:13-20 | 46. 8:27-30 | 46. 9:18-20 |
47. 16:21-23 | 47. 8:31-33 | 47. 9:21-23 |
48. 16:24-28 | 48. 8:34-9:1 | 48. 9:23-27 |
49. 17:1-13 | 49. 9:2-13 | 49. 9:28-36 |
50. 17:14-21 | 50. 9:14-29 | 50. 9:37-43a |
51. 17:22-23 | 51. 9:30-32 | 51. 9:43b-45 |
52. 18:1-5 | 52. 9:33-37 | 52. 9:46-48 |
| 53. 9:38-41 | 53. 9:49-50 |
54. 18:6-9 | 54. 9:42-50 |
| *69. 10:25-28 |
55. 19:1-12 | 55. 10:1-12 |
| *17. 11:14-23 |
| *18. 12:10 |
| *27. 13:18-19 |
| *54. 17:2 |
56. 19:13-15 | 56. 10:13-16 |
57. 19:16-30 | 57. 10:17-31 | 57. 18:18-30 |
58. 20:17-19 | 58. 10:32-34 | 58. 18:31-34 |
59. 20:20-28 | 59. 10:35-45 |
60. 20:29-34 | 60. 10:46-52 | 60. 18:35-43 |
61. 21:1-11 | 61. 11:1-11 | 61. 19:28-44 |
| 62. 11:12-14 |
63. 21:12-17 | 63. 11:15-19 | 63. 19:45-48 |
62. 21:18-19 |
64. 21:20-22 | 64. 11:20-26 |
65. 21:23-27 | 65. 11:27-33 | 65. 20:1-8 |
66. 21:33-46 | 66. 12:1-12 | 66. 20:9-19 |
67. 22:15-22 | 67. 12:13-17 | 67. 20:20-26 |
68. 22:23-33 | 68. 12:18-27 | 68. 20:27-40 |
69. 22:34-40 | 69. 12:28-34 |
70. 22:41-46 | 70. 12:35-37a | 70. 20:41-44 |
71. 23:1-36 | 71. 12:37b-40 | 71. 20:45-47 |
| 72. 12:41-44 | 72. 21:1-4 |
73. 24:1-2 | 73. 13:1-2 | 73. 21:5-6 |
74. 24:3-8 | 74. 13:3-8 | 74. 21:7-11 |
75. 24:9-14 | 75. 13:9-13 | 75. 21:12-19 |
76. 24:15-22 | 76. 13:14-20 | 76. 21:20-24 |
77. 24:23-25 | 77. 13:31-23 |
78. 24:29-31 | 78. 13:24-27 Coming of the son of man | 78. 21:25-28 |
79. 24:32-35 | 79. 13:28-31 | 79. 21:29-33 |
80. 24:36 | 80. 13:32-37 |
81. 26:1-5 | 81. 14:1-2 | 81. 22:1-2 |
82. 26:6-13 | 82. 14:3-9 |
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