I can still remember the day quite clearly. I remember that it had started to rain. I had a poncho on, but I stuck my head inside the poncho and made a little tent for myself. I had brought along a little paperback book and I was reading it as we were passing the time. I still remember this day being one of the more impressive days of my life.
Where was I? I was in a canyon waiting for John Paul II to come in for the evening prayer at World Youth Day in Denver.
I had never seen such a vibrant expression of my Catholic faith before. Here there were like a million people all drawn there to see this Pope. I thought it was way toooo cool.
Years later I would think of my experience again when I started to ponder my priestly vocation. I can say that John Paul was important there too since I read Pastores Dabo Vobis which very clearly helped me to understand what a vocation to priesthood meant and what I needed to do in order to become a priest.
John Paul died while I was in the seminary, but he was crucial in my priestly formation. It's too bad I had never had the chance to say "John Paul our Pope" during the Eucharistic prayer. But, now I will get to say something even better: St. John Paul II... ora pro nobis.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Divine Mercy in the sacrament of Confession
2nd Sunday of Easter:
Today we celebrate
what is called Divine Mercy Sunday.
Today we hear in the gospel Christ bestowing the power of his mercy upon
the apostles. Receive the power of the
Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are
forgiven. How amazing a gift is this?
As a priest I am
privileged to have received this power of absolution, this power of
forgiveness. If I stop and think about
it, it gives me goose bumps to think that Jesus Christ himself handed this
power to the apostles, and they handed it down to the next generation, who
handed it down, etc all the way to me on the day of my ordination.
One question I get
sometimes is this: why do I need to confess my sins to a priest? I just ask God to forgive me. Now, I certainly would never say that God
cannot forgive sins outside of confession.
He is God, he can certainly do that.
But, the reason why we confess our sins to priests is because this is
the express will of Christ. He was the
one who instituted the sacrament of confession.
And, since he is the Son of God, maybe he knows what he is doing.
There are many
benefits to confessing our sins to priests.
First, sin loves to hide in the darkness. There is nothing better to allow sin to
flourish and grow than the dark hidden places in our hearts and souls. When we let sins stay there, deep down, they
have the ability to weaken us and drag us down.
Confession does not allow us to leave sins in the dark. It takes great courage to say your sins out
loud, but when you do, the light of Christ is able to shine into those dark
places. Do don’t be afraid to say your
sins to a priest, don’t let them hid in the dark. Go behind the screen if you want, it is about
saying the sins out loud that conquers them.
Also, don’t go in there trying to explain away the sin, that is like
leaving it in the darkness, just go into confession and confess your sin.
Another benefit of
confessing your sins to a priest is that you get a chance to hear some
advice. I don’t pretend to be an expert
or some kind of wonder counselor. But, I
have received extensive training in seminary and I have a great deal of
experience of helping people in the confessional. I know that in my own life, I have gained
many wonderful little insights by priests in the confessional.
A third benefit is
that we get to hear the words of absolution.
There is something deeply soothing about these words: I absolve you from
your sins. Trusting in the power of God
and in the fact that Christ gave this power to the priests, we know that when
we hear these words, our sins are forgiven.
What a wonderful gift that is. We
do know that God can forgive sins whenever he wants, but we also know that he
definitely does when we make a good confession and we receive our
absolution. I wish I could describe the way
that people’s faces change whenever I say the words of absolution. I can see their worries and concerns melt
under the light of Christ’s mercy.
These are all
great benefits. But there is another
one. When Christ appears in that room he
says: peace be with you. This is the
ultimate goal of the sacrament of confession, the peace of Christ. We all know from experience that our sins do
not give us peace, they do not give us joy.
Christ wants his peace to dwell in the hearts of every disciple, which
is why he gives us the sacrament of confession.
Confession is the medicine of peace, it is the pathway of peace in our
lives. Some people think that confession
is something you do when you have gotten rid of all your sins. But, this is not true, this is what sin
wants: to stay in the darkness. Rather,
confession is the medicine that cures the disease of sin.
One thing that
really makes me happy is the devotion to the sacrament of confession here at
St. Jude. Many people come to confession
here. It is a wonderful sacrament that
leads us to the peace of Christ.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil:
Tonight is the night! The best night of the whole year. The night we remember Jesus and his rising
from the dead. Tonight is the night that
makes everything new. Tonight changes
Over the last couple of days we
celebrated Jesus’ Last Supper, we celebrated his death. But by themselves these events are not
entirely ground breaking. People have
eaten Paschal dinners before, people had died on the cross before. But, never has anyone risen from the dead
like this. In fact, it is because of
Jesus’ rising that his death and last supper take on a new significance. This is not simply a matter of resuscitation,
this is not simply a medical advance.
This is an entirely new event in the course of human history. This Jesus who died, is dead no longer. As a result, it is not simply enough to say
that Jesus WAS alive; now, and forever, Jesus IS alive.
When Jesus rises from the dead he
takes all of us with him. One of the
things I like about this Easter Vigil are the extended readings that we
hear. It gives us a yearly chance to
relive the whole sweep of salvation history.
We recognize that God made us, but because of the Original Sin, death
enters the world. Yet, God never
abandons us; rather, he guides and shepherds his people throughout all of
history, culminating Tonight. Everything
in the history of the world has been leading up to this night, and everything
since this night is seen in a new and amazing light. For Jesus has broken the bonds of death. No wonder the message of tonight’s gospel is
“do not be afraid.”
No wonder this night is not like
any other. For it is this night that
gives the human race new hope. It is
this night that the human race receives the gift of new life. No longer are we imprisoned by death and
destruction; now, all those who believe in Christ will live just like he
What could possible give us
fear? If Christ has destroyed death,
there is nothing left to give us fear.
Christ has destroyed sin, he has destroyed evil, he has destroyed death. And even if we end up facing these things in
this life, we know that they no longer have the last word. Evil doesn’t win! That is the story of the cross. That even though we live in a broken world,
that brokenness is not the last word.
The last word is that one spoken from Christ: do not be afraid.
What a great joy it is for us to
gather here tonight and renew our faith in the resurrection. We get a chance to hear Christ say to each
one of us: do not be afraid. What gives
you fear or anxiety? What causes you
trouble or concern? I want us all to
call to mind some concern we face, something that gives us anxiety, causes
fear. Now, take that thing and stack it
up against the amazing wonder of the Resurrection and how does it look
now? Pretty small I imagine… Why do we let the trials and troubles of this
world cause us fear? Jesus is
alive! Death has no power over us, and
Jesus can come to our aid in difficult times.
Our faith and the power of the sacraments help us in difficult times.
Tonight many of our community will
be receiving these sacraments for the first time. Hear the words of Jesus: do not be
afraid. These sacraments are the doorway
to new life. They are Christ’s gift to
us. They give us the power to overcome
fear or anxiety; they give us the power to live lives of holiness, to grow
closer to Christ.
My friends, Jesus is alive, what
could possible cause us to be afraid in the light of such an awesome truth?
Friday, April 18, 2014
Good Friday
Good Friday 2014
We continue through our three days
of remembering all that Christ has done for us.
Last night he stooped down to wash away our sinfulness, he fed us with
the Holy Eucharist, and he handed on his ministry to the first priests. Today he shows us exactly how far he is
willing to go for each one of us. It is
not too much to say that there is nothing more that Christ could possible give
He hands over his body. The pain and anguish of Christ on this Good
Friday is hard to ignore. Last night he
suffered the pain of betrayal at the hand of one of his chosen followers. Then he quickly suffers the pain of
abandonment by the rest of his chosen followers. This morning he suffers the pain of being
mocked, the pain of being misunderstood, the pain of being unjustly
condemned. His physical pains are well
known as well, there is the crown of thorns, the scourging at the pillar, the
carrying of the cross, the falls on the way.
Also on the way to the cross, he suffers the pain of seeing his mother
in anguish. His hands and feet are
pierced. He is left to die on the
cross. Crucifixion is a particularly
nasty death as the cross kills by a slow and painful asphyxiation as a person’s
lungs fill with fluid. Even after his
death, Christ’s heart is pierced with a lance, and blood and water flow
I would venture to say that any
suffering that a human being could possibly experience in this life was
experienced by Christ. Think about any
pain you have ever suffered, whether it be physical, emotional, or
spiritual. Christ suffers it today. The great lesson that we learn today is that
we do not have a Savior who is unable to relate to us in our suffering and
pain. No matter what we face in this
life, and there are often times of pain and difficulty, was experienced by
Christ. In the crucifixion, Christ gives
us the key to understanding how to be strong in the face of pain and
suffering. He says simply: I thirst.
Remember back a few weeks ago, we
heard how Jesus thirsted for the faith of the woman by the well. Jesus’ great thirst is really a thirsting for
love. He longs for each one of us. He loves us and wants nothing more than to
draw us to himself. It was his thirst
that brought him to this earth, and it was this thirst that brought him to the
cross. It was this thirst that provides
for him the motivation to take each step, it gives him his reason and purpose
for undergoing his passion and death.
What a great lesson our Lord
teaches us. What is our thirst? In the heart of every human person there is a
thirst for God. He made us, we belong to
him, we will only be happy when we are in communion with him. Jesus himself is the living water that can
satisfy our thirst. So, whenever we
suffer in this life, it reminds us of the thirst we have for something
more. We thirst for a life without pain,
a life without suffering, a life in communion with God. And by recognizing this thirst in the midst
of our sufferings, it becomes a pathway to faith.
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday:
I have given you a model to follow,
as I have done for you, you also should do.
Tonight we enter into the Sacred Triduum, the yearly entrance into the
great paschal mystery. This is the
Passover of the Lord Jesus, where the blood of the Lamb frees us from the
bondage of sin and death. We begin here
at this Last Supper with Jesus. This is
the supper he greatly desired to celebrate with his friends. He celebrates the Jewish feast of Passover,
but he makes it his own, giving it a new meaning and significance.
We hear in the first reading about
the institution of the Passover supper.
The Israelites were to celebrate this supper annually to remember all
that God had done for them, especially when he rescued them from slavery in
Our Passover supper tonight is much
the same. We gather to celebrate this
supper annually to remember the great things that Christ has done for us. Really this whole Triduum is an extended
period of remembrance. Each day we
remember something specific. Tonight we
remember Christ’s Last Supper. Tomorrow
we remember his passion and death.
Saturday we remember his rising from the dead.
But, in each case we do not simply
remember as though it were some distant event.
This is not like remembering the declaration of independence every July
4th. Rather, when we gather
during these holy days to remember, we get to enter into the very mysteries we
celebrate. Tonight as we gather to
remember the Lord’s last supper, he is here in our midst. The deeper we reflect on these saving
mysteries, and the more we are open to Christ who speaks to us, the more we are
able to see his example.
Tonight we remember three key
events that took place at the Last Supper, Christ washing the feet of his
disciples, the gift of the Eucharist, and the institution of the
Priesthood. Each of these events teaches
us something important. The better we
remember these events, the better we can follow Christ’s example.
You call me master and teacher, and
rightly so because I am. But, if I have
washed your feet you must wash each other’s feet. There is nothing pretty about washing
feet. Remember that in the days of Jesus
neither shoes nor cars had been invented.
So, a person’s feet tended to be quite dirty. This is why it was pretty standard custom for
a wealthy homeowner to have one of his servants by the door in order to wash
his guests’ feet. It would have been crazy
for the master of the house to be doing this kind of work. We even see that Peter had an almost violent
reaction to such humility: Master, you will never wash my feet. What love, what humility. That Christ would stoop to wash the feet of
his disciples. The showing of humility
is amazing. But, even more, the Church
has seen this act of washing feet as being a symbol for baptism. The Lord stoops down to wash us clean, to
forgive us, to show us his mercy. As
people who have experienced this love, this humility, this forgiveness, Christ
calls us to go and do likewise. We are
called to bend down to pick up our neighbor, we are called to spread his love
and mercy.
At this same Last Supper, Christ
also gives us the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
If you thought bending down and washing feet was humble, how much more so
is the gift of the Eucharist? Jesus
Christ is the eternal Son of the Father, and he gives us his body and blood as
an eternal memorial. But, he does so in
a humble and lowly way. Simple bread and
wine become his very body and blood. At
this Mass and at every Mass, he takes lowly elements and transforms them for
us. There are no earthquakes, no
lightning flashes. Rather, the Eucharist
is simple and humble, and handed over to people like us. What a lesson the Eucharist teaches us. Every Mass is like attending a 3-credit
course in humility, simplicity, and service.
Who are we to scoff at our neighbor, or fail to give of ourselves, when
our Savior tireless pours himself out to us in the Holy Eucharist.
Finally, tonight we remember the
first ordination class. When Jesus says
“do this in memory of me,” he hands over his priestly ministry into the hands
of the Apostles. Another lesson in
humility. Christ did not choose the
highest classes or the smartest people.
Christ chose lowly fishermen, common men, who were weak and sinful. In fact, tonight the apostles show their
weakness in an important way, because when Jesus is arrested they all
flee. They were weak and humble
men. And yet, it was precisely these men
that Christ called as the first priests.
I can tell you from personal
experience that not much has changed. He
continues to call weak sinners to be his priests. Talk about amazing humility. In order to carry on his important priestly
ministry, he chooses ordinary common men.
Christ doesn’t choose supermen to be priests. He chooses ordinary, lowly men. But there is one catch. Notice the order the apostles receive these
First, the Apostles have their feet
washed. The first step on the road to
priesthood is experiencing the mercy of Christ.
I can say this is very true in my own life. What drew me to the priesthood was the
amazing mercy and forgiveness that God gives in the sacrament of
confession. I thought: what an amazing
gift, how blessed I would be if I could give that gift to others.
Next, the Apostles were fed by
Christ by the Eucharist. I can say with
certainty that every priestly vocation is born in front of Christ in the
Eucharist. Here in the Holy Eucharist
every priest finds his mission: to give everything in humble service. In many ways, the Eucharist IS the vocation
to priesthood because the Eucharist gives the priesthood its meaning and
direction. To be a priest means to be a
person who loves the Eucharist.
Every priestly vocation needs these
two things as prerequisites: an experience of the mercy of Christ and a love for
the Holy Eucharist.
Tonight I’m asking for you to pray
for your priests. Not just Fr. Bob, Fr.
Paul, and myself, but all priests everywhere.
That we might continue to experience God’s mercy, be strengthened by the
Holy Eucharist, and be inspired to share these gifts with others. But, I would also ask you to pray that more
young men will experience God’s mercy and fall in love with the Eucharist. Men like that will be inspired to go and do
What tremendous love the Lord shows
us tonight: he stoops down to wash away our lowliness, he gives himself to us
in the Holy Eucharist, and he continues his work among us through the hands of
priests. Truly this night, this Holy
Night, is a night for us to be thankful.
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